Monday, April 30, 2007


Mr. Steiner we read your latest post, really... why so subtle? ... let us help you express yourself more honestly.

Here's what you said:

"I'm in the process of writing the review for 613's latest, and I can tell you this so far: if you're going to buy one acapella album this year, I highly recommend you buy 613.

Full review to follow."

Here's what you mean but simply don't have the kneidalach to say:

"I'm in the process of writing the review for 613's latest" = I heard the first 2 minutes of the SIX13 album and really don't care to hear anymore.

"and I can tell you this so far" = I have no buisness even commenting on an album that I havn't even heard yet but i simply can't wait that long - i must dis AKAPELLA NOW!!

"if you're going to buy one acapella album this year, I highly recommend you buy 613" = DAMN YOU AKAPELLA - why can't i be part of your success - why must I work so hard to put you down... DAMN YOU! - or - If you have a choice between buying Chazan Stupengarten's latest masterpiece or SIX13 I highly recommend that you DON"T buy AKAPELLA.

"Full review to follow" = More irrelevant musical bull@#$ to follow - plus yet another opportunity to make it clear that i don't like AKAPELLA.

[Please be sure to comment so I can edit/delete/rewrite it and repost it on my blog.]

Thank You,

Aryeh Steiner aka "keyboardguy"


Anonymous said...

I heard through a friend, that Steiner does indeed have a grudge against the group AKApela, which is sooo obvious if you look at his post.
Sheesh - it"s so easy to see his agenda!


AGENDA? what are you implying?


Only kidding there Gabbo - Mr. Steiner has already admitted on his blog that he is pissed at AKAPella for bouncing his sorry !@# out of the group...

Hey Gabbo, any relation to the other Gabby C.?